000169_news@columbia.edu_Sat Oct 21 16:37:35 1995.msg
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From: fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Problems using Kermit with PCMCIA Modems
Date: 21 Oct 1995 16:37:35 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
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In article <462ql7$pb6@dub-news-svc-6.compuserve.com>,
Rich Godlewsky <76412.156@compuserve.com> wrote:
: We are unable to connect to a remote site calling in to kermit when we
: are using a PCMCIA modem on a laptop (e.g., Hayes OPTIMA 144 +FAX for
: PCMCIA). Although we are able to use the same modem to connect to
: CompuServe and even use Kermit to call a remote site and transfer a file.
I don't understand. You're saying that you can use Kermit to call a remote
site and transfer a file, but in the previous sentence you say you can't
connect to a remote site. Maybe you could be a little more specific about
the two scenarios -- the one where Kermit works and the one where it doesn't.
: The problem we have is that we see the word RING but never see CONNECT
: 9600. We are using Kermit Version 3.14 and have the same version
: installed on a desktop PC with a Hayes External Optima 144 + fax modem
: which has no problems connecting to the remote site.
How are you dialing? Are you using the DIAL command (macro) together with
a modem script such as ULTRA144.SCR? (If not, maybe you should be.)
If you are saying that the exact same setup (PC OS, Kermit version, modem)
works on a desktop with external modem but does not work on the laptop with
the PCMCIA card, then you probably have PCMCIA / laptop "peculiarities".
Laptops tend to have power-saver and similar features not found in desktop
systems, so that's the first thing to look for. Second would be interrupt
conflicts on your laptop. And so on -- all the stuff that is described in
the KERMIT.BWR file on your MS-DOS Kermit 3.14 diskette.
One thing to try would be to simply CONNECT to the modem and type the AT
commands yourself, including the dialing (ATDT) command. After it says RING,
RING, ..., what does it say? NO CARRIER? It should give you a message about
why it failed to make the connection. In fact, if you look in S86, it should
tell exactly why the call failed (look up the code in your Hayes manual).
: Another strange item is that when we go into connect mode on the laptop
: and try to evaluate registers on the modem (e.g., ATS0 or ATS86) or
: execute any command we get "+++ ATH0" back and not the contents of the
: register.
Kermit is not sending that string (unless you have invoked the ATHANGUP
macro), and you are not typing it. Therefore, I can only speculate that there
is some other software on your laptop that is trying to use the modem at the
same time as Kermit.
: We also converted MSKERMIT.INI and MSCUSTOM.INI to be all upper case.
This should have no effect at all.
- Frank